Thursday, March 13, 2008

So I had a strange day at work today. Strange. And stressful.

I am leaving for India in six days and I have so much work to catch up on, I'm almost starting to feel guilty about taking time off. I was stressed for most of the day. Although, my spirits kinda lifted during overtime hours, when I worked away alone in the office. Just me, my computer and my music.

Anyway, on my drive in after a first thing in the morning meeting with a taxpayer, the CD player in my car refused to play my favourite CD. So I switched to the radio. I flicked through channels trying to find a song I would enjoy listening to while I drove. Nothing. I flicked some more. And then some more. About twenty channels for twenty minutes. Nothing caught my fancy. I resolved myself to driving in silence on a day so beautiful, that had I not been on the highway, I would have seen the horizon at the far end of the sky.

And just then, I heard a familiar song. Bringing with it a familiar sound. And a memory. A happy one. Almost forgotten. Hazy like a dream. But happy still.

I smiled. And I realized, life has a funny way of catching up to you.

You'll find something or someone that you've been searching for in the most unexpected way. But only when you stop looking.


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