Deception Point
So I brought a work-related question to my current boss, C.P., this afternoon. Since any conversation between C.P. and I continues for at least a half hour, I brought myself sustenance. Black berries, blueberries, granola and vanilla yoghurt.Incidentally, another colleague, J., from another section, but from the same floor, was in C.P.'s office at the time of my arrival. C.P. summoned me into his office. J. asked me what it was that I was eating, to which, C.P. instantly replied, "She doesn't cook." J. laughed and said to C.P., "She definitely doesn't look the cooking-type. But she must know what she is eating at least."
I went along with their joke and laughed. But when I thought about it later, it made me realize how quick people are to judge.
And just based on appearances.
And I reminded myself, once again, to never do what J. did.
And give everyone at least one chance.
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