So a couple of days ago, I had a misunderstanding with someone I met recently for the first time. Thankfully, before the end of the day, the air was cleared and all was well again.
I got to thinking. About misunderstandings. Are they really misunderstood or misstated statements? Or just games some people like to play, thinking or hoping that other people will play along and not speak how they feel?
I couldn't decide.
Speaking of games, last night was the going away party for my former very, very good friend, S. She is moving to Vancouver.
I'm kind of sad that she is leaving. She is a lot of fun to hang out with. And in some ways, her and I have a lot in common, which is rare for me. If you asked me a year ago, I would have told you that her and I were incredibly close. Not enough to be best friends. But thats not her fault. Its my own issue. I always kept my guard up with her. Something about her. Not all was on the surface. And I still stand by that judgment.
Anyway, we're not close anymore. In fact, she never emails or texts or calls me anymore. I don't know why. I have a feeling that sometime in the past year she realized that I saw through her the first time we met. And that I am not the type to play along with the games she likes to play. Not malicious games. But games still, which I have nothing but disdain for.
Her and I have grown apart in the past year. And its just too bad. I still like her and will always be there for her. But not in the way I could have been or can be for a friend I truly care about or love. So I'm sad to see her go. But not enough to miss her when she's gone.
Regardless, S., if you're reading, I know somewhere deep down, you're a good person. I wish that this endeavour of your life brings you all that you're hoping for. And more.
So good luck.
And goodbye.
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