Saturday, February 16, 2008

American Buddha

In order to have spiritual experiences, you must be willing to surrender and give up everything. It's only with the sense of complete abandon that you can have the highest experiences. Which is why of course, most people don't have the highest experiences. You can judge your experience, its level of intensity, you can predict it by how much you're willing to let go. If you need to cling to your family, your friends, your beliefs, then your experiences will appear to be rather ordinary. The more you can let go, the more you will be.
It's not intended that everyone in this lifetime who practices self-discovery should reach liberation. That's not proper. It's intended that only a few should. And you may be one of those few. And you should always believe, not that you are one of those few, but that you might be. Because you might be. Suddenly your name turns up on the paper as having won the lottery. No one is there to collect the check, though.

- Lakshmi Series, Spiritual Experiences, Dreams and Visions


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