Wednesday, November 04, 2009

30 and 8 and ??

Some that could have waited.
Some that I just couldn't wait for.
And some that others couldn't wait for.

I feel as old as I now am. I probably look it. I haven't accomplished all that I wanted to before I turned 30. But I'm happy with whatever I was able to. According to some, I'm way behind for some of life's accomplishments. But those that really know me, know that I could have waited. I'm happy, terrified and nervous. But I don't think I will ever regret it. And that makes it OK.

As for the eight, it couldn't have flown by faster. But like they say, if time flew by, that means, time flew by happily. Its the miserable times that feel like the longest. Its been eight and I wish for an eternity more.

And the rest remains to be seen.


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