Bad things never come alone.
So I got loads of bad and somewhat bad news at work today.
Two of my friends at work, C.P. and M.Y, are leaving to move on to other sections. I like them both. A lot. They're good people and they make me laugh. And they really are good at what they do. They don't want to move on. But they're being made to. Just because they didn't score enough for some fake line that their bosses drew.
But such is life I guess. Sometimes you get things you don't want. And sometimes you want things you can't have.
I heard another piece of really bad news today.
My friend and colleague, J.L., who has had breast cancer twice in the past ten years, found out just before the long weekend that she had three tumours in her brain. She went home to tell her parents about it during long weekend. And, no one knows if it was from the news or just age or just other stress, her Dad passed away the following day.
So I'm not sure if they've had the funeral but I know she is scheduled for a very dangerous neurosurgery this week. She is a good person. Always smiling. Always around to laugh or to make you laugh. And she genuinely cares.
My heart bleeds for her and her family. So if you're reading, say a prayer for her tonight before you go to bed.
And before you fall asleep, close your eyes and remember to thank God. For every thing. For every breath. And for every smile of every person you care about that you're fortunate enough to see everyday.
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