Monday, May 05, 2008

I am tired today. I've been tired all day actually. I just need some rest. But I know there is none coming. At least for another couple of months.

My house got sold on Friday.
And the closing date is approaching.

So there will be tons of packing.
Very tiring.
And goodbyes.
Very saddening.

Anyway, on a separate note, because I was so tired, on my drive home from work, I pushed my seat back down and lay in the sunshine streaming through the window.

I looked through the sunroof. At the birds. Clouds and the sky.
And then I saw my reflection against the roof glass. But it looked like I was looking at a reflection of myself against the bright blue sky. Like the sky was suddenly a giant mirror. And flashes of my life were streaking across it.

My favourite song played on the radio.
The sun felt warm on my face.
I remember smiling. Faintly.
Right before I fell asleep.


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