Apple Bottoms
I'm back. After two weeks and with something that can barely qualify as a tan.It was a fun trip. Lots of good company, good food and lots and lots of laughs. I know I've said this before but despite all the above, it still wasn't as much fun as I expected it to be. I don't know if it was the events of the days just before or just the fact that the weather sucked for the first week that made the time there a lot less fun than it could have been. I won't go there today though. Maybe some other time.
The flight there and back was long and lonely. They say, its the journey, not the destination. The journey to anywhere has always been a lonely one for me. I may or may not be physically alone, but in my head I'm always by myself. But somehow this time, the destination didn't do it for me either. Mind you, the conditions I left in weren't the best. Not weather wise. But emotion wise. Yeah, not my finest hours. When I left, I remember walking to the gate with my heart so raw from pain, I couldn't contain the tears even in front of the hot security gaurd who was frisking me. But now, its more of a quiet, tired sadness. I don't know what is worse.
Anyway, so when the final flight was finally about to land, I watched the moon disappear behind the clouds the plane was descending in. I saw the city skyline emerge from beneath the clouds like a white ghost out of the shadows. And I remember thinking, home sweet home. But then, I thought some more. And changed my mind.
I also thought about a cute black guy who stared, no, looked at me for almost an entire hour on the local bus. He had gorgeous brown eyes. And dimples. I smiled at him before I got off the bus.
OK I know my thoughts today are all random. But I am tired from the journey. And everything else. And I still have a trek to make to the airport tonight. So I promise to be back with more stories, better stories, and pictures, later this week.
So until next time, sweet dreams.
PS: I forgot to explain the title to this post. Nothing special. Or meaningful. Just a phrase that caught my fancy.
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