Friday, November 02, 2007

So I have an allergic reaction to something that is making me break out into hives all over my body. It started last night. My Dad, who is a doctor, checked it out and thinks its something I ate. I wonder what it was, given that I only had a bowl of cereal for dinner last night.

Anyway, I guess I'm writing this because I just took some medication for the allergy. Its 12.22 am and I'm waiting to fall asleep. I hope I can wake up early enough tomorrow though. I love waking up early these days. I love the way the bamboo plant on my coffee table looks in the early morning light. It reminds me of the frontyard of my parent's house in India. And I love it when my right foot touches my left while I sit in my favourite chair under my favourite blanket with my cup of tea and the newspaper. You know that feeling. Mmmmm. How should I describe it? The kind of warmth that can only come from skin. Like when you cuddle with someone.

Sometimes, though, I wish there was someone I could enjoy these kind of mornings with.
But alone as I may be, I still love every minute of them.

I can't wait to wake up tomorrow.
Sweet dreams.


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