Blast from the Past
I went to the same school from Junior Kindergarten to Grade X. This was a Convent school back home in India. We were taught by Roman Catholic nuns, who really weren't the happiest people I've known.
Anyway, the school was owned by an old British lady, lovingly called Ms. Wallace. She never taught any of the classes but everyone knew that she was the one that ran the show. She was a nice lady. Strict, though.
As I was getting dressed this morning for work, suddenly she came to mind. I don't know why. After 13 years.
Hence the early morning post!
Happy Friday!
It may be over but it won't stop there.
I am here for you, if you'd only care.
Let this day not end.
When the tired sun tries to set into the ocean.
Will you hold on to it?
Will you hold on to it until the end of time?
Let this day not end.
So I met and sat in a meeting with the new team of people I'm going to start working with in a few weeks' time. They're an OK bunch. A little dry, I must say, but nothing I can't handle.
I have the feeling that they're not going to like me as much as I'm liked now. Or as much as I think I'm liked now. I'd rather not know what people really think of me though.
Anyway, while I sat there listening to my soon-to-be Boss speak, it suddenly hit me that I'm going to be leaving my current group of co-workers, or friends rather, soon.
And suddenly, it got harder to breathe.
Apparently, I'm very sensitive today.
I just learnt a lesson.
You take something or someone for granted until you realize that thing or person maybe taken away from you at any moment.
Hope this is a lesson well-learnt.
So my good friend from India, J., just got engaged to her boyfriend, V., and is getting married in late October of this year. Congratulations, J. I wish you a lifetime of happiness with him.
Its too bad I won't be able to make it to India for the wedding. I wish I could though. Coz I care about her. And there's not many people in the world that I truly care about.
How do you choose the one you want to be with?
He or she maybe the best-looking person, or the smartest person or the richest person or the one with the hottest body.
But in the end, you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh.
On a lazy Saturday, as I sit alone in my study, I think about the past and all its ghosts.
The Fortune Cookie today told me to let it go.
I've tried. Believe me.
Its been eight years. I still wonder and it still hurts.
Window to my heart
The eyes say it all, they say.
But do they?
Eyes lie.
May the beholder beware.
On a separate note, the eye doctor tells me that my eyes are dry, as in there is not enough tears. Weird.
So I got back from the Dominican Republic (where I had been all last week for my good friend N.'s wedding to long time boyfriend, R.) on Thursday and with all the flight connections (six to be exact), I think I'm still nauseous. And I'm still not tanned.
Anyway, I had a good time there. Laid on the beach, hung out with my friends and danced a lot. But somehow, it wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. And I don't know why. There was one evening, the eve of the wedding actually, when everyone decided to hang out by the beach after dinner. It was about a kilometer away from the main beach. Away from all the lights and all other tourists. Pitch black. Everyone set up the fire and their drinks while I walked by the beach by myself. I looked up and millions of stars twinkled at me, like they held some kind of divine secret. I smiled to myself and sat down in the sand.
For the rest of the evening I sat there by myself and looked at the stars. While the soft waves touched my toes and I heard people's voices in the distance, I wondered why it was that I didn't want to join them. I couldn't come up with an answer.
And then I saw a shooting star. I've seen shooting stars before. But this time was different.
Because this time, I closed my eyes and made a wish.
On a separate note, my good friend from work T. told me that I looked really nice today. I didn't expect it so I got all awkward and forgot to thank him. I feel terrible.
"The eyes say it all", you say.
But do they?
Ours is an unfinished story.
And that is all it will be.
It could have been a lot more. Better or worse I can't say.
But I will always wonder.
There is not dearth of wishes. Or yearning.
But of someone who understands them.