My Dear Razr!
So my one year old nephew drooled all over my cell phone the other day. And as it turns out, I had to give it in for repair and now I have this crappy loaner phone from the phone company and really, this loaner phone belongs in 1962!
Everyone who knows me knows that me and my phone are attached at the hip. I constantly have it in sight or in my hand or in my back pocket. Just in case my Mommy calls from India coz she calls whenever she feels like it coz let's face it, she still hasn't figured out the concept of the time difference between here and there. And I wouldn't want to miss any call from her coz everyone who knows me also knows how much I miss her. And now, I can't even access all the text messages that she sent me from India coz I had them saved on my phone and not on my SIM!
Who takes 10 business days to repair a stupid cell phone anyway?
I'm done complaining.
Just before I go, I just realized that eating dinner alone is not the worst thing ever. It's watching your other, slightly better half's favourite show without your other, slightly better half that really sucks.
Yesterday, just out of nowhere, as I did my morning prayer, I remembered the things I left behind. The people. The places. I remembered the Temple I used to visit. And how sometimes I would fall asleep during the sermon.
As I did my morning prayer, I noticed I was smiling.
As I sit in my study, alone, somehow today I just wonder if I made the right decision. I didn't have to wonder for long.
Did you know White is my favourite colour?
The Hawaiian/Californian experience isn't over yet!

S. in the cursory picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California
You know it's not as much of a big deal as people make it out to be. It is a slight disappointment actually!

P. and S. at the edge of the crooked-est street in the world! Lombard St., San Francisco, California

P. and S. with Alcatraz as the backdrop
Pier 39, San Francisco, California

P. and S.
Christmas at the Hilton Hawaiian Village
Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu

P. and S.
Polynesian Culture Centre, Oahu

P. with his Boogey-board!
Kaanapali Beach, Maui

P. with steam vents from the Kailuea Crater as the backdrop
Volcanoes National Park, Big Island

Happy Feet!
The Penguins and I at the Hilton Hawaiian Village
Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu
What do I fear most?